规格:(SOUND BOX)430x360x600MM (GENERATOR)360x610x430MM
电量:240V 400V
特征:The PolyScience Sonicprep emits ultrasonic sound waves or “sonicates” to extract, infuse, homogenize, emulsify, suspend, de-gas or even rapidly create barrel-aged flavor.By applying low heat vibrations of sound energy, this new PolyScience machine provides you an incredible range of techniques. The system is comprised of just four components: agenerator, converter, probe and sound box. In any lowto medium-viscosity liquid, the probe tip releases rapid,high-frequency ultrasonic vibration waves that expand and collapse microscopic bubbles at 20,000 cycle per second. The process takes just 2-3 minutes and generates only insignificant amounts of heat, preserving vivid colors, aromas and nutrients, while producing rounder and smoother overall flavors. The short processing times provide maximum operational flexibility for chefs.Includes:Generator, Converter, Probe,Sound Box,Operator’s Manual